App Type

    enum AppType
        None = 0,
        Scorm = 1,
        CourseCatalog = 2,
        Assignments = 3,
        LearningPath = 4,
        Quiz = 5

Enrollment Flow Type

    enum EnrollmentFlowType
        AutomaticApproval = 0,
        LineManagerApproval = 1,
        LMSAdministratorsApproval = 2,
        CustomApproval = 3,
        ExternalWebhookApproval = 4

Certificate Status

    enum CertificateStatus
        Valid = 0,
        Expiring = 1,
        Expired = 2

Course Type

    enum CourseType
        None = 0,
        ELearning = 1,
        ClassRoom = 3,
        TrainingPlan = 4,
        Webinar = 5

Course Session Enrollment Type

    enum CourseSessionEnrollmentType
        EnrollToSingle = 1,
        EnrollToAll = 2,
        EnrollToMultiple = 3

Course Provisioning Status

    enum ProvisioningStatus
        Creating = 0,
        CreationFailed = 1,
        CreatedWithWarnings = 2,
        Created = 3,
        Editing = 4,
        EditingFailed = 5,
        EditedWithWarnings = 6,
        Edited = 7

User Role

    enum UserRole
        None = 0,
        Learner = 1,
        Teacher = 2,
        Trainer = 3

User Principal Type

    enum PrincipalType
        User = 0,
        Group = 1


    enum Role
        None = 0,
        Learner = 1,
        CourseAdmin = 2,
        CourseSessionInstructor = 4,
        LMSAdmin = 8,
        CourseCatalogAdmin = 16,
        CourseCatalogVisitor = 32,
        CourseVisitor = 64

Registration Status

    enum RegistrationStatus
        Active = 0,
        Awaiting = 1,
        Cancelled = 2,
        Expired = 3,
        //Deprecated. WaitingListRequest is used instead of Enrollment with InWaitingList status.
        InWaitingList = 4

Course Passing Status

    enum CoursePassingStatus
        Completed = 0,
        NotStarted = 1,
        InProgress = 2

Enrollment Request Status

    enum EnrollmentStatus
        Awaiting = 0,
        Enrolled = 1,
        Rejected = 2,
        Cancelled = 3

Learning Module User Status

    enum LearnerStatus
        NotStarted = 0,
        InProgress = 1,
        Failed = 2,
        Completed = 3

Quiz User Status

    enum AttemptStatus
        NotStarted = 0,
        InProgress = 1,
        Passed = 2,
        Failed = 3

Scorm Content Type

    enum ContentType
        Scorm = 1,
        Aicc = 2

Scorm User Status

    enum AttemptStatus
        NotStarted = 1,
        Failed = 2,
        InProgress = 3,
        Passed = 4

Assignment Task Status

    enum TaskStatus
        NotStarted = 1,
        Submitted = 2,
        Returned = 3,
        Completed = 4

Assignment Task Due Status

    enum TaskDueStatus
        NotStarted = 1,
        Submitted = 2,
        Returned = 3,
        Completed = 4,
        Overdue = 5,
        Closed = 6

Course Completion Set Options

Completion options is JSON serialized string of CourseCompletionItem[].

    class CourseCompletionItem
        Type: CourseCompletionCriteria;
        LearningObjectId: Guid?;
        Percent: decimal?;
        Options: CalculationOptions;

    enum CourseCompletionCriteria
        Scorm = 1,
        Quiz = 2,
        LearningModule = 3,
        Assignment = 4,
        ExternalApp = 5,
        GradeBookColumn = 6,
        TrainingPlanCourse = 7,
        Attendance = 8,
        Assessment = 9

    class CalculationOptions
        CalculationType: CalculationType;
        NumberOfItems: int?;

    enum CalculationType
        All = 0,
        DefinedNumber = 1

Course Completion Options

        "completionCriteria": CourseCompletionCriteria,
        "completionOptions": string with completion options in JSON format

Completion options is JSON serialized string, the format depends on specified completion criteria.

Completion criteriaCompletion options object type
All otherAppCompletionOptions
    enum CourseCompletionCriteria
        Scorm = 1,
        Course = 2,
        Assignments = 3,
        LearningPath = 4,
        Quiz = 5,
        GradebookColumn = 6,
        Attendance = 7,
        TrainingPlanCourses = 9,
        ExternalApp = 10

    class PercentCompletionOptions
        Percent: int;

    class TrainingPlanCompletionOptions
        Courses: Guid[];

    class AppCompletionOptions
        Items: AppItemCompletionOptions[];

    class AppItemCompletionOptions
        ItemId: Guid;
        MinProgress: decimal?;

Learning Module Configuration

Configuration.Items property is JSON serialized array of LearningPathItem objects.

    class LearningPathItem
        Id: Guid;
        Title: string;
        ItemType: LearningPathItemType;

    enum LearningPathItemType
        None = 0,
        Document = 1,
        Scorm = 2,
        Embed = 3,
        Confirmation = 4,
        Quiz = 5,
        ExternalApp = 6

    class Document : LearningPathItem
        DocumentId: int;
        FileId: Guid;
        Url: string;

    class Scorm : LearningPathItem
        ScormId: Guid;

    class Embed : LearningPathItem
        Content: string;
        EmbedType: EmbedType;

    enum EmbedType
        OfficeVideo = 0,
        OfficeMix = 1,
        YouTube = 2,
        Other = 3,
        Link = 4,
        WebsiteUrl = 5,
        RichContent = 6,
        MSStream = 7,
        MSForms = 8,
        MSSway = 9,
        LinkInIFrame = 10,
        Synthesia = 11,

    class ConfirmationItem : LearningPathItem
        ConfirmationMessage: string;
        CheckMarkMessage: string;
        Type: ConfirmationItemType;

    enum ConfirmationItemType
        SimpleCheckBox = 0,
        Authorization = 1

    class Quiz : LearningPathItem
        QuizId: Guid;

Learning Module Attempt State

"State" property is JSON serialized Dictionary<Guid, LearningPathItemStatus> object.

    enum LearningPathItemStatus
        NotStarted = 0,
        Passed = 1,
        Failed = 2

Quiz Questions

"SerializedQuestions" property is JSON serialized array of Question objects.

    class Question
        Id: Guid;
        Title: string;
        Description: string;
        QuestionType: QuestionType;
        Points: int;
        PositiveFeedback: string;
        NegativeFeedback: string;
        SemiPositiveFeedback: string;
        Tags: string[];

    enum QuestionType
        None = 0,
        MultipleChoice = 1,
        TrueOrFalse = 2,
        MultipleAnswers = 3,
        OrderingAnswers = 4,
        MatchingAnswers = 5,
        FreeAnswer = 6,
        ShortAnswer = 7,
        FillGap = 8,
        HotSpot = 9,
        QuestionPoolQuestions = 10

    class RandomizeAnswersQuestion: Question
        RandomizeAnswers: bool;

    class TrueOrFalseQuestion: Question
        RightAnswer: bool;

    class MultipleChoiceQuestion: RandomizeAnswersQuestion
        Answers: Answer[];
        RightAnswerId: Guid;

    class Answer
        Id: Guid;
        Text: string;

    class MultipleAnswerQuestion: RandomizeAnswersQuestion
        Answers: Answer[];
        RightAnswerIds: Guid[];

    class OrderingAnswerQuestion: RandomizeAnswersQuestion
        Answers: Answer[];

    class MatchingAnswerQuestion: RandomizeAnswersQuestion
        Answers: Answer[][];

    class FreeAnswerQuestion: Question

    class ShortAnswerQuestion: Question
        Answers: ShortAnswer[];

    class ShortAnswer
        Id: Guid;
        Text: string;
        IsRegExp: bool;
        PointsPercentage: int;

    class FillGapQuestion: Question
        Text: string;
        Gaps: Dictionary<string, string[]>;
        CorrectResponse: Dictionary<string, string>;

    class HotSpotQuestion: Question
        ImageUrl: string;
        //all values are relative = percantages
        PositionX: double;
        PositionY: double;
        Width: double;
        Height: double;

    class QuestionPoolQuestions: Question
        QuestionPoolId: Guid;
        ResolveType: QuestionResolveType;
        TagAggregationType: TagAggregationType;
        MinPoints: int?;
        MaxPoints: int?;
        MaxNumberToResolve: int?;

    enum QuestionResolveType
        Fixed = 0,
        Random = 1

    enum TagAggregationType
        Any = 0,
        All = 1

Quiz Attempt State

"State" property is JSON serialized Dictionary<Guid, QuestionResult> object.

    class QuestionResult
        Percent: decimal;
        AnswerResult: IQuestionAnswerResult;

    class QuestionAnswerResult
        QuestionType: QuestionType;

    enum QuestionType
        MultipleChoice = 1,
        TrueOrFalse = 2,
        MultipleAnswers = 3,
        OrderingAnswers = 4,
        MatchingAnswers = 5,
        FreeAnswer = 6,
        ShortAnswer = 7,
        FillGap = 8,
        HotSpot = 9

    class MultipleChoiceQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answer: Guid;

    class TrueOrFalseQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answer: bool;

    class MultipleAnswerQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answers: Guid[];

    class OrderingAnswerQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answers: Guid[];

    class MatchingAnswerQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answers: Guid[][];

    class FreeAnswerQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answer: string;

    class ShortAnswerQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answer: string;

    class FillGapQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        Answer: Dictionary<string, string>;

    class HotSpotQuestionResult: QuestionAnswerResult
        PositionX: double;
        PositionY: double;